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  • Eisenberg, M.L., Kim, S., Chen, Z., Sundaram, R., Schisterman, E.F. & Louis, G.M. 2014. The relationship between male BMI and waist circumference on semen quality from the LIFE study. Human reproduction 29 (2) 193-200. Human reproduction 29 (2), 193-200.
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  • Khaskeli, M.N., Baloch, S. & Baloch, A.S. 2013. Infertility and weight reduction: influence and outcome. Journal of the College of the Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 23(10), 798-801.
  • Koroma, L. & Stewart, L. 2012. Infertility: Evaluation and Initial Management. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 57 (6), 614-621.
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  • Niskanen, A. 2016. Nuorten ylipainon vaikutukset seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyteen. Pidä sukusolusi terveenä. Opinnäytetyö, Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu.
  • Palmer S. 2013. Improving Male Fertility — Research Suggests a Nutrient-Dense Diet May Play an Integral Role. Today’s Dietitian June, 40-43.
  • Sermondade, N., Faure, C., Fezeu, L., Shayeb, A.G. ym. 2013. BMI in relation to sperm count: an update systematic review and collaborative meta-analysis. Human Reproductive Update 19(3), 221-231.
  • Sharma, R., Biedenharn, K.R., Fedor, J.M. & Agarwai, A. 2013. Lifestyle Factors and Reproductive Health: Taking Control of Your Fertility. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 11 (66).
  • Swinney B. 2013. Eating to fuel fertility. Today’s Dietician 15 (5) 38-42.
  • Wise, L., Rothman, K., Mikkelsen, E., Sorensen, H., Riis, A. & Hatch, E. 2010. An Internet-Based Prospective Study of Body Size and Time-to-Pregnancy. Human Reproduction 25 (1), 253-264.